Apple’s Vision Pro goggles unleash a mixed reality that could lead to more innovation and isolation

The Apple Vision Pro headset is displayed in a showroom on the Apple campus after it’s unveiling on Monday, June 5, 2023, in Cupertino, Calif. The Vision Pro is a…

Alexithymia & Childhood Trauma: Unraveling The Mysterious Connection

Summary: Researchers reveal an alarming correlation between alexithymia (difficulty in identifying and describing emotions) and various forms of child maltreatment. Analyzing a staggering 78 sources involving 36,141 participants, the research…

Sponge helps robotic arms grasp delicate objects

Robot sponge. Credit: Tianqi Yue A simple sponge has improved how robots grasp, scientists from the University of Bristol have found.    This easy-to-make sponge-jamming device can help stiff robots…

Dopamine Plays Double Duty in Learning and Motivation

Summary: A novel study suggests that dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays dual roles in learning and motivation. In the study, male rats underwent Pavlovian or operant conditioning while their dopamine release…

Smart in-memory light sensors perform image recognition

The electrical resistance of the optoelectric memristor can be programmed by visible light. Credit: KAUST; Anastasia Serin Smart digital image sensors that can perform visual perception capabilities, such as scene…

Deezer to detect AI-generated music clones

Deezer CEO Jeronimo Folgueira wants to root out AI-generated clones. Music streaming app Deezer said Tuesday it was launching a tool to detect and tag songs with AI-generated vocal clones…

Swarming microrobots self-organize into diverse patterns

Credit: Cornell University A research collaboration between Cornell and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems has found an efficient way to expand the collective behavior of swarming microrobots: Mixing…

Microglia’s Role in Controlling Anxiety and OCD

Summary: A new study reveals how microglia can regulate anxiety and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder (OCSD) behaviors. Traditionally overlooked in favor of neurons, specific microglia populations were found to both stimulate…

Photocatalytic concrete for clean air in underground tunnels

An artificial light source has been installed, allowing the photocatalytic function to work even underground where natural light does not reach. Credit: Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology…

Air travel to soar near record in 2023: industry group

Airlines are expected to be back in the green this year, with net profits totalling $9.8 billion. Airlines will return to profit and fly a near-record 4.35 billion passengers this…