Airbus boosts plane deliveries in 2024

Airbus delivered its first A321XLR extra long range aircraft last year. European plane maker Airbus said Thursday it increased aircraft deliveries to 766 even as the company struggles to return…

High-Fat Diets in Adolescence Linked to Adult Impulsivity

Summary: Adolescent rats fed a high-fat diet displayed increased impulsivity and altered decision-making as adults. These “cheesecake rats” were quicker to act on visual cues (indicative of impulsivity) but showed…

Innovative smart window technology balances heat and visibility control

Hybrid smart window reflects infrared (IR) light in summer and transmits IR in winter while controlling visibility, for energy savings and privacy control. The hybrid cell structure incorporates patterned vanadium…

How We Make Life’s Toughest Choices

Summary: A new study presents a novel framework for understanding transformative life decisions, focusing on their complexity and emotional impact. Researchers identified five key dimensions—conflicting cues, change of self, uncertain…

Open-source holonomic mobile manipulator could advance household robotics

Credit: Jimmy Wu. Researchers at Stanford University, Princeton University, and Dexterity recently developed TidyBot++, a holonomic mobile robot that can perform various household chores and could help to train or…

Are A-B tests leading market researchers and online advertisers astray? Study says they could be

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Researchers from Southern Methodist University and the University of Michigan published a study that examines platforms’ A-B testing of online ads and uncovers significant limitations that…

Dopamine and Serotonin Drive Emotional Word Processing

Summary: Researchers have uncovered how neurotransmitters in the brain respond to the emotional content of language, shedding light on the intersection of emotion, cognition, and communication. Using advanced techniques, the…

A smart ring with a tiny camera lets users point and click to control home devices

Smart home interaction with IRIS. (A) A user unlocks the front door by pointing and clicking IRIS at the smart lock. (B) Another user points IRIS at a television and…

Early Reproductive Aging Alters Brain Connectivity, Emotional Health

Summary: Research shows that accelerated reproductive aging in females, such as early puberty or menopause, is linked to increased mental health risks at different life stages. Adolescents experiencing early puberty…

Over Half of College Students Affected by Others’ Drinking

Summary: Over half of U.S. college students experience harm caused by others’ drinking, highlighting the widespread impact of alcohol misuse on campuses. These harms range from babysitting intoxicated peers to…