Ancient giant orangutans evolved smaller bodies surprisingly slowly

Giant orangutans that once dwelled in mainland Southeast Asian forests belonged to a single species that gradually shrank in size over nearly 2 million years, a study suggests. Today, orangutans…

Ancient footprints suggest a mysterious hominid lived alongside Lucy’s kind

An individual from an enigmatic hominid species strode across a field of wet, volcanic ash in what is now East Africa around 3.66 million years ago, leaving behind a handful…

‘The Dawn of Everything’ rewrites 40,000 years of human history

The Dawn of EverythingDavid Graeber and David WengrowFarrar, Straus and Giroux, $35 Concerns abound about what’s gone wrong in modern societies. Many scholars explain growing gaps between the haves and…

A child’s partial skull adds to the mystery of how Homo naledi treated the dead

A child’s partial skull found in a remote section of a South African cave system has fueled suspicion that an ancient hominid known as Homo naledi deliberately disposed of its…

Ancient human visitors complicate the Falkland Islands wolf’s origin story

The enigmatic, now-extinct Falkland Islands wolf had human visitors on the remote archipelago up to 1,070 years ago. The find suggests that Indigenous people could have originally brought the foxlike…

Lasers reveal construction inspired by ancient Mexican pyramids in Maya ruins

At Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, three giant pyramids rise above the ancient city’s main street, the Avenue of the Dead. The smallest of these is the Temple of the Feathered…

People add by default even when subtraction makes more sense

Picture a bridge made of Legos. One side has three support pieces, the other two. How would you stabilize the bridge? Most people would add a piece so that there…

Parents in Western countries report the highest levels of burnout

The ongoing pandemic has hammered parents. For many, work shifted to home. Schools closed or went partially remote in many places. Grandparents at high risk of getting severely ill with…

Redefining ‘flesh-colored’ bandages makes medicine more inclusive

When Linda Oyesiku was a child, she skinned her knee on her school’s playground. The school nurse cleaned her up and covered the wound with a peach-tinted bandage. On Oyesiku’s…

A rare bird sighting doesn’t lead to seeing more kinds of rare birds

It was a cold, overcast Saturday morning in Salem, Ore., when Jesse Laney set out to catch a glimpse of a painted bunting. He’d heard earlier that week through a…