Mapping the development of infection-fighting immune cells

Cytotoxic T cell (purple) deciding whether to become a memory cell (blue) or effector cell (pink) subtype. The cBAF complex (green) and Arid1a subunit open the doors for both cell…

Annual numbers of excess deaths in the US relative to other developed countries are growing at an alarming rate

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea People in the U.S. are dying at higher rates than in other similar high-income countries, and…

Adhering to global health recommendations reduces cancer risk

Credit: CC0 Public Domain People who adhere to global Cancer Prevention Recommendations are putting themselves at lower risk of developing the disease, new research confirms. Experts at Newcastle University have…

Immune cell movement worse in older females, mice study finds

Myeloid immune cells alongside red blood cells in an electron micrograph of human blood. Credit: National Cancer Institute According to a new study, older female mice had more immune cells entering…

Golden eagle pin found in Bronze Age burial |

Archaeologists from Cotswold archaeology have uncovered a pin made from a golden eagle’s phalanx during excavations of a Bronze Age burial in Oxfordshire, England. The discovery was made during excavations…

Viking Age phallic stone found in Sweden |

Archaeologists from Uppdrag Arkeologi have uncovered a phallic stone during excavations of Viking Age burials and dwellings from the Iron Age. The discovery was made during preliminary excavations for the…

Cancer has an obesity-related risk factor, and it depends on sex and cancer type

Graphical abstract. Credit: Cancer Cell (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.05.010 Obesity has been previously linked to an increased risk of cancer, but most studies have not differentiated the risks between male and…

Anti-trans bills and political climates are taking a significant mental health toll on trans and nonbinary people – even during Pride

Pride month is a time of celebration for the LGBTQ+ community, with parades and events that bring people together in joyful moments of connection. In 2023, as the LGBTQ+ community…

Why some women should receive more than mammograms to screen for breast cancer

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Dense breast tissue, which contains a higher proportion of fibrous tissue than fat, is a risk factor for breast cancer and also makes it more difficult…

Polygenic risk scores could improve colorectal cancer screening

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Rates of colorectal cancer are high despite widespread adoption of screening programs in many high-income European countries. Such programs tend to use a one-size-fits-all approach where…