“Sleeping on It” Helps With Rational Decision Making

Summary: A new study reveals that while snap judgments heavily influence decisions made immediately, “sleeping on it” helps people make more rational choices. Researchers found that participants who made instant…

Older people more swayed by impulsive actions of others when making financial decisions, new study shows

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Older people are more likely to be influenced by the impulsive financial preferences of others than their younger counterparts, according to a new study. Research led…

Study shows alcohol-dependent men and women have different biochemistries, so may need different treatments

Men/women differences first 3 months of treatment. Credit: Tom Parkhill A new study reveals hormonal and biochemical factors that affect alcohol dependence (also known as Alcohol Use Disorder), suggesting that…

Stone head from Roman period found at Carlisle dig

Archaeologists from the “Uncovering Roman Carlisle” project have found a carved stone head during excavations of the Carlisle Cricket Club in Carlisle, England. The project is a community excavation, focusing…

Is it a cold, flu or COVID? An expert helps you sort it out

It’s that time of year when respiratory viruses start to circulate widely, but how can you tell the difference between the symptoms of a cold, the flu and COVID? Dr.…

100+ Genes Linked to Anxiety Disorders Identified

Summary: A large-scale genetic study involving over 1 million participants has uncovered more than 100 genes associated with anxiety. Researchers found that these genes contribute to the development of anxiety…

More than half of people who use party drugs take ADHD medicines without a prescription, new research shows

by Rachel Sutherland, Amy Peacock, Caroline Salom, Jodie Grigg and Raimondo Bruno, The Conversation Credit: Alex Green from Pexels Each year, the National Drug and Alcohol Research Center at UNSW…

Study shows psilocybin gives comparable long-term antidepressant effects to standard antidepressants

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A direct comparison between the experimental psychedelic drug psilocybin and a standard SSRI antidepressant shows similar improvement of depressive symptoms, but that psilocybin offers additional longer-term…

Sacred church for Saint Theodosius of Turnovsky uncovered in Bulgaria

Archaeologists from the Regional History Museum-Veliko Tarnovo have uncovered traces of a church from the monastery of Saint Theodosius of Turnovsky. The monastery is situated in the Tarnovo Holy Forest…

Are sports stars who are caught using illegal drugs unfairly vilified?

A pile of cocaine hydrochloride. Credit: DEA Drug Enforcement Agency, public domain With the Paris Olympics and Paralympics wrapped up, and leading Australian sports codes coming to an end of…