Borderline Personality Disorder Linked to Increased Hospital Revisits

Summary: Patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are more likely to have recurrent hospital visits compared to those with other mental disorders. Analyzing over 86,000 episodes of care for…

Loneliness Linked to Negative Eating Behaviors

Summary: Researchers reveals significant associations between social isolation, loneliness, and detrimental food and eating behaviors, uncovering the intricate relationship between emotional well-being and dietary habits. The study, involving 29 research…

Dance Your Way to Better Mental Health

Summary: Structured dance programs are as beneficial, and sometimes superior, to traditional physical activities for enhancing psychological and cognitive health. This systematic review and meta-analysis, involving a broad age range…

Predicting Psychosis Before Symptom Onset

Summary: Researchers developed a machine-learning tool that accurately identifies individuals at high risk of psychosis through MRI brain scans. This innovative approach, which achieved an 85% accuracy rate in training…

Daily Uplifts Boost Mood After Traumatic Loss

Summary: Researchers discovered that engaging in simple activities, termed “uplifts,” can significantly enhance emotional well-being following the traumatic loss of a loved one. Analyzing daily diary surveys from 440 adults…

The Neuroscience of Musical Tastes

Summary: Music preferences are a fascinating reflection of our personalities, emotions, and even our social identities, according to insights from music psychology. A recent exploration into why certain songs, like…

Immune Cell Enzyme Links Stress to Depression

Summary: Researchers identified a novel ‘body-mind mechanism’ that links chronic stress to depression. They discovered that stress increases the enzyme matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) in blood, which then impacts brain neurons,…

Parental Traits May Influence Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Summary: Researchers revealed that evaluating parental traits for neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders offers a more precise prediction for these conditions in children than genetic testing alone. The study found that…

Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Anxiety Disorder Risk

Summary: A comprehensive study found a significant association between emergency department visits for cannabis use and the development of new anxiety disorders. Analyzing health data from over 12 million Ontarians,…

Violence Spreads Like Contagion in Certain Groups

Summary: A recent study highlights how violence among members of the Italian mafia spreads contagiously, with those committing violent acts in groups more likely to continue such behavior in the…