Autistic Adults Acutely Feel Loneliness Too

Summary: Contrary to stereotypes, Autistic individuals profoundly experience loneliness, according to new research. The study found that sensory differences play a role in exacerbating loneliness in both Autistic and non-Autistic…

New Gene Link to Treatment-Resistant Depression

Summary: Researchers discovered a gene, LHPP, that interacts with stress and plays a pivotal role in treatment-resistant Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) using an animal model. This groundbreaking study underscores the…

Color Concepts: How Bilingualism Influences Color Perception

Summary: Researchers discovered that the way we perceive and describe colors is influenced by the languages we speak. In a study with the Tsimane’ society from the Bolivian Amazon, bilingual…

Sleepless Nights: The Brain’s Surprising Reaction to All-Nighters

Summary: unveiled the science behind the buoyant mood many feel after acute sleep deprivation, like pulling an all-nighter. The study in mice showed that not only does dopamine release rise…

Post-Pandemic America: Unmasking the Silent Stress Surge of Collective Trauma

Summary: The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has instigated a silent surge in stress and mental health issues among Americans. Alarmingly, adults aged 35-44 exhibited the most significant hike in…

Machine Learning Deciphers News Language to Predict Country’s Peace Level

Summary: Researchers devised a machine learning model that gauges a country’s peace level by analyzing word frequency in its news media. By studying over 723,000 articles from 18 countries, the…

Cognitive Maturity: 18 is the Threshold of Cognitive Adulthood

Summary: A new study sheds light on when adolescents start thinking like adults. Researchers found that executive function, critical for task-switching and focus, typically matures around 18 years old. Drawing…

Do Roosters Recognize Their Own Reflection? Self Awareness Explored

Summary: Chickens, often dismissed as simple-minded, are now at the forefront of a study on self-awareness. Researchers have observed roosters potentially recognizing themselves in mirrors. However, the success of this…

Afterlife Conversations: Healing Power in Grief’s Journey?

Summary: Interactions with the deceased, or ADCs, are reported by 30-34% of individuals. A recent study explored the effects of ADCs on those grieving a partner. The findings reveal that…

The Two Faces of Stress: Nurturing Resilience and Recognizing Overload

Summary: Stress, a reaction to demands, isn’t universally negative; it has its benefits. The positive side, eustress, can foster well-being and resilience. Researchers clarify that the difference between helpful and…