‘Woolly mice’ were just a start. De-extinction still faces many hurdles

Scientists working to unlock the secrets of de-extinction recently announced what they say is a turning point for the movement: the creation of transgenic mice with long, luxurious golden locks…

Viewpoint: Texas is a measles superspreader: With anti-vaccination ideology surging, the state is exporting the pandemic crisis to the rest of the US and the world

Measles, a highly contagious disease that was declared eliminated from the U.S. in 2000, has made a resurgence in West Texas communities, jumping hundreds of miles to the northern border…

Viewpoint: Here’s a reminder of what life was like in RFK Jr’s.’ ‘good ol’ pre-vaccine days

In the early 1800s, some people rejected the smallpox vaccine because they didn’t trust the doctors and scientists promoting them, or because they saw vaccines as an affront to God’s…

Push for transparency in research: Corporations and academic institutions under pressure to advance public disclosure

If you Google my name along with “Monsanto,” you will find a series of allegations from 2013 that my scholarly work at the University of Saskatchewan, focused on technological change…

Schizophrenia Risk May Begin in the Placenta

Summary: A new study highlights the placenta’s role in neuropsychiatric development, showing that DNA methylation influences gene expression tied to psychiatric disorders. Researchers found strong links between placental DNA methylation…

Viewpoint: Fact checking controversial eight claims by Dr. Oz — Health science often left behind

Over 13 seasons of “The Dr. Oz Show,” from 2009 to 2022, [Mehmet Oz] told viewers what to eat, how to exercise, what supplements to take and when to worry…

An aspirin a day keeps the doctor away? No, that won’t limit strokes and could very well lead to stomach, intestinal and brain bleeding

Many people still believe the benefits of taking an aspirin every day to prevent heart attacks and strokes outweigh the potential dangers – despite experts warning of the contrary more…

Viewpoint: University of California-Berkeley administration did nothing when radical feminist group excused the raping and mutilating of Israeli women

[S]tudents [at the University of California-Berkeley] … are in a required comparative-literature class that mandates they attend [a lceture entitled]  “Feminist and Queer Solidarities With Palestine,” … sponsored by the…

Genetic Variant in ITSN1 Linked to Higher Parkinson’s and ASD Risk

Summary: A new study has identified genetic variants in the ITSN1 gene that significantly increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Researchers analyzed nearly 500,000 genetic profiles and found that…

Gene edited crops inch closer to acceptance as outlined in the European Commission’s new blueprint for the future

New research and innovation partnerships, faster risk assessment and innovation-friendly regulations are all on the table as the European Commission plans a new EU strategic approach to research and innovation…