Innocent Faces of Fentanyl: Opioid Use Linked to Distinct Birth Anomalies

Summary: Researchers have identified a potential new syndrome in babies born to mothers who used fentanyl during pregnancy. The infants displayed distinctive facial features, small heads, short stature, and various…

How to argue about ‘race’: Charles Murray and Adam Rutherford are not so far apart

Monkey kept alive for two years with a genetically engineered pig kidney suggests pathway to developing organs for humans

These 8 GMOs tell a brief history of genetic modification

Half a century ago, the first genetically modified organism ushered in a new era of biological innovation. To mark this anniversary, here are eight milestone GMOs. Many have had, or…

How effective and safe are current-generation pesticides?

How octopi can edit their own RNA to rapidly respond to environmental changes

6th sense? The mystery of tasting salt is so indecipherable, scientists say we have two separate systems to decode it

Unraveling the mystery of who gets lung cancer and why

Protein Deficiency Reveals Evidence Fragile X Develops Before Birth

Summary: Researchers shifted the paradigm around Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the leading form of inherited intellectual disability, by uncovering its developmental origins pre-birth through the role of FMRP, a protein.…

Only 7 African countries commercially grow genetically engineered crops. Here’s a blueprint to unlock the continent’s enormous farm and food potential