Did you hear the story about the GMO that nearly destroyed the world?

Curious what chickens cluck about? AI is decoding the language of poultry

Viewpoint: The Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list is a danger to public health put out by an organic industry funded activist group

Molecular Alterations in Brain Tissue Provide Clues to Suicidal Ideation

Summary: Researchers have identified molecular alterations in the blood and brain tissues of individuals who committed suicide, offering new insights into susceptibility factors and therapeutic targets. The study analyzed genetic,…

Global ‘longevity hotspots’: What’s the secret of these blue zones?

Viewpoint: ‘Regulatory vigilantes’ — How former government scientists who are now high-paid ‘expert witnesses’ for predatory law firms use mass tort litigation to sidestep science

Unlocking Synaptic Mysteries: The Role of FAM81A Protein

Summary: Researchers have identified a critical protein, FAM81A, that plays a pivotal role in forming postsynaptic protein agglomerations, essential for synaptic function in the brain. By analyzing 35 previous studies,…

Viewpoint: Do you believe in magic? Many nutritional supplements are impure, ineffective, unsafe — and unregulated. That needs to change

False dawn or new dawn for genetically engineered crops in the European Union?

When a farmer and a dietitian are the same person: Telling stories to counter misinformation about biotechnology