Team is first ever to measure qubits with ultrasensitive thermal detectors, evading Heisenberg uncertainty principle

An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitted from qubits (depicted on the left). Credit: Aleksandr Käkinen/Aalto University…

New technique lets scientists create resistance-free electron channels

Scanning tunneling microscopy image of a chiral interface state wavefunction (bright stripe) in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator made from twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene. Credit: Canxun Zhang/Berkeley Lab An international research…

New material offers potential for unlocking gravity-free technology

Credit: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Researchers at the Quantum Machines Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) are studying levitating materials—substances that can remain suspended…

Scientists investigate information propagation in interacting bosonic systems

Discovery points path to flash-like memory for storing qubits

Physicists from five Rice University laboratories and more than a dozen collaborating institutions have discovered a way to use heat to switch crystals of iron, germanium and tellurium between two…

Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain

Credit: Google LLC The rapid progress of quantum simulators is now enabling them to study problems that before have been limited to the domain of theoretical physics and numerical simulation.…

New focused approach can help untangle messy quantum scrambling problems

A collection of quantum particles can store information in various collective quantum states. The above model represents the states as blue nodes and illustrates how interactions can scramble the organized…

‘It’s ultimately about predicting everything’—theory could be a map in the hunt for quantum materials

Credit: Vendi Jukic Buca A breakthrough in theoretical physics is an important step toward predicting the behavior of the fundamental matter of which our world is built. It can be…

A breakthrough in monolithic Fabry-Perot microcavities

Transmitting entanglement between light and matter in the metropolitan network of Barcelona

Measurement of non-classical correlations between remote locations. Map of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, with the three locations highlighted: ICFO, where the memory and SPDC source are located; CTTI, where…