Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Several thousand sensors distributed over a square kilometer near the South Pole are tasked with answering one of the large outstanding questions in physics: does quantum…
Category: Physics
Entanglement entropies of nuclear systems found to grow as the volume of those systems
Left: partitions where the set of blue points occupy one region and the set of black points another region, similar to how many systems work. Right: the partitions that occur…
Harnessing the power of virtual quantum broadcasting
A virtual broadcasting map can have a significant impact on quantum information processing. Credit: Fractal Hassan/Unsplash In a new study, scientists propose the concept of “virtual quantum broadcasting,” which provides…
Discovery of a hidden quantum critical point in two-dimensional superconductors
The full picture of fluctuations in superconductivity has been revealed over a wide magnetic field range and over a wide temperature range, from much higher than the superconducting transition temperature…
Quantum talk with magnetic disks
Researchers at HZDR managed to generate wave-like excitations in a magnetic disk—so-called magnons—to specifically manipulate a atomic-sized qubits in silicon carbide. This could open new possibilities for the transduction of…
Study clarifies a key question in particle physics about muon’s magnetic moment
The muon storage ring at Fermilab. Credit: Reidar Hahn/Wikimedia Commons Magnetic moment is an intrinsic property of a particle with spin, arising from interaction between the particle and a magnet…
A method to accurately center quantum dots within photonic chips
Accurate alignment of quantum dots with photonic components is critical for extracting the radiation emitted by the dots. In this illustration, a quantum dot centered in the optical “hotspot” of…
Quantum computers can solve combinatorial optimization problems more easily than conventional methods, research shows
The traveling salesman’s problem is a classic in mathematics. A traveler is to visit N cities by the shortest route and return to the starting point. As the number N…