The Science Newswise — The way mass is distributed in a proton is a fundamental puzzle in nuclear and particle physics. A proton’s core consists of three valence quarks, but they contribute…
Category: Physics
Physicist helps set the U.S. priorities for investing millions in particle physics
Newswise — AMES, Iowa – There are 32 signatures marking approval of the new report from the 2023 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel. From Shoji Asai to Robert Zwaska, the…
A superconducting qubit based on twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures
Right: Design of the flowermon qubit with a single d-wave junction shunted by a large capacitor. Left: Structure of the order parameter for twisting angles close to 45°. Credit: Brosco…
Researchers demonstrate multi-photon state transfer between remote superconducting nodes
Credit: Grebel et al. Over the past few decades, quantum physicists and engineers have been trying to develop new, reliable quantum communication systems. These systems could ultimately serve as a…
Expanded superconducting strips for enhanced photon-counting accuracy
Superconducting microstrip photon-number-resolving detector. Credit: Kong (SIMIT). Using single photons as qubits has become a prominent strategy in quantum information technology. Accurately determining the number of photons is crucial in…
New techniques for making qubits out of erbium
A laser fired at a sheet of titanium dioxide changes the configuration of the crystal where it hits – a technique, developed by the quantum startup memQ, that enables scientists…