Scientists develop fermionic quantum processor

Advances in quantum emitters mark progress toward a quantum internet

Left, model of the atomic structure of the quantum light-emitting defect in silicon (gray), composed of two substitutional carbon atoms (black), and one silicon interstitial atom (pink). The size of…

Physicists use a 350-year-old theorem to reveal new properties of light waves

Physicists at Stevens Institute of Technology use a 350-year-old theorem that explains the workings of pendulums and planets to reveal new properties of light waves. Credit: Stevens Institute of Technology…

Quantum entanglement of photons captured in real-time

A new ‘spin’ on ergodicity breaking

The researchers studied a C60 molecule, also called a buckyball, to understand how it could break ergodicity. Credit: Steven Burrows/Jun Ye and David Nesbitt In a recent Science paper, researchers…

Scientists identify mechanism that explains the characteristic properties of ‘strange metals’

A new theory explains the unusual behavior of strange metals, considered one of the greatest open challenges in condensed matter physics. The theory is based on two properties of strange…

Ultracold quantum gas reveals insights into wave turbulence

Research team simulates super diffusion on a quantum computer

Study discovers pairing of electrons in artificial atoms, a quantum state predicted more than 50 years ago

3D view of some of the structures built atom-by-atom from silver (small hillocks). A rectangular and a circular electron cage are seen in the top left quarter of the image.…

Visualizing the microscopic phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

Scanning tunneling microscopy images of twisted bilayer graphene, which show the graphene atomic lattice (left panel) and the magic-angle graphene moiré superlattice (right panel). Credit: Kevin Nuckolls, Yazdani Group, Princeton…