Researchers chart future for use of quantum computing in particle physics

What does the Standard Model predict for the magnetic moment of the muon?

The high-energy physics community is eagerly anticipating the announcement of the world’s best measurement from the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment later this year, while the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative is…

Uncovering spin ladders in real chemical compounds

Study offers a broader approach to quantum walks

New ALICE results shed light on the nature of gluonic matter at the Large Hadron Collider

Illustration of an ultra-peripheral collision where the two lead ion beams at the LHC pass by close to each other without colliding. Photons emitted from one beam strike the other,…

Visualizing the topology of electrons with ‘3D glasses’

Researchers establish criterion for nonlocal quantum behavior in networks

Entangled quantum objects can be used to network separated systems. The researchers demonstrate what is needed for nonlocal correlations, a requirement for a useful quantum network. Credit: The Grainger College…

Physicists work to prevent information loss in quantum computing

ATLAS experiment reports fundamental properties of strong interactions

by The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Protons accelerated almost to the speed of light can collide similarly to billiard balls. However, since protons are…

Physicists demonstrate sign reversal of the Josephson diode effect