The cosmic ‘Cow’ may have produced a new neutron star or black hole

A cosmic flare-up called the Cow seems to have left behind a black hole or neutron star. When the flash was spotted in June 2018, astronomers debated its origins. Now,…

This tiny, sizzling exoplanet could be made of molten iron

A newly discovered exoplanet is really making astronomers prove their mettle. Planet GJ 367b is smaller than Earth, denser than iron and hot enough to melt, researchers report in the…

Astronomers have found the Milky Way’s first known ‘feather’

The Milky Way has a “feather” in its cap. A long, thin filament of cold, dense gas extends jauntily from the galactic center, connecting two of the galaxy’s spiral arms,…

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Superhorizon modes can explain Hubble tension

The sketch depicts a perturbation of very large wavelength, larger than the size of the maximum distance light could have travelled since the origin of the Universe. The volume inside…

Hubble sees cosmic clues in a galactic duo

Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, D. Jones, A. Riess et al.; Acknowledgment: R. Colombari This spectacular image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures the spiral galaxy NGC 105, which lies…