Summary: Researchers delved into how ChatGPT influences user decision-making, focusing on the ‘choice overload’ phenomenon. This condition emerges when an individual is overwhelmed by numerous options, often leading to decision…
Tag: chatGPT
Who’s to Blame? How We Perceive Responsibility in Human-AI Collaborations
Summary: Even when people view AI-based assistants merely as tools, they still assign partial responsibility to these systems for decisions made. The research investigated how participants perceived responsibility when a…
AI vs Human Reasoning: GPT-3 Matches College Undergraduates
Summary: In an eye-opening study, researcher revealed GPT-3, a popular artificial intelligence language model, performs comparably to college undergraduates in solving reasoning problems that typically appear on intelligence tests and…
ChatGPT AI Shines in Challenging Medical Cases
Summary: A novel study put the diagnostic prowess of generative AI, specifically the chatbot GPT-4, to the test, yielding promising results. The study involved evaluating the AI’s diagnostic accuracy in…