navigating Cop28 with Climate Home News

Climate Home News is hosting a series of three online events to guide you through Cop28. Join us to hear from the experts and ask your questions.  Climate Home News…

Argentine rewilding debate descends into legal threats

Argentine scientists have accused a nature conservation foundation of “intimidation” as an academic debate over rewilding descended into legal threats. At issue is whether introducing certain large mammals to parts…

Australia’s Cop31 proposal is welcome, but it needs actions

The climate minister of Pacific Island Vanuatu says those choosing the Cop31 host should examine Australia’s gas expansion plans The Pacific Islands Forum next week will bring together nations who…

Rooftop solar panels offer fragile lifeline to besieged Gazans

As Israel cuts off electricity to the Gaza Strip, rooftop solar panels help residents to survive frequent bombardment As the Israeli government cuts off fuel supplies to the besieged Palestinian…

Movement mourns ‘driving force for climate justice’ Saleemul Huq

Bangladeshi scientist and campaigner Saleemul Huq attended every UN climate summit and championed the cause of developing countries Veteran Bangladeshi climate scientist and campaigner Saleemul Huq died on Sunday at…

China objects to UN fund warnings on solar’s forced labour risks

China opposed six Green Climate Fund projects because the proposals flagged the risk of forced labour in the manufacturing of solar panels. China has opposed green projects by the UN’s…

Pete Betts honored by climate diplomats

Betts was the EU’s chief negotiator when the Paris Agreement was signed. He has died a year after being diagnosed with cancer. Pete Betts, a veteran British climate negotiator and…

Failed climate solution is about to be revived by the EU

Comment: The EU once led the world in combatting flawed forest offset schemes. Now it’s looking to give them a new lease of life. Since their inception more than 30…

Small islands struggle to get help from the Green Climate Fund

While small islands still say the Green Climate Fund is better than the rest, they are facing problems getting money from it Government officials from small island developing states (Sids)…

China’s clean energy program Belt and Road gets ‘green’ reboot

Clean energy is a priority as China promises $100 billion of development funding – but don’t call it climate finance China has raised clean energy among the priorities of its…