Melatonin Receptor is Key to REM Sleep and Memory

Summary: Scientists have identified the melatonin MT1 receptor as a key regulator of REM sleep, crucial for memory, dreaming, and emotional regulation. This discovery may pave the way for targeted…

Key Neurons Found to Predict Memory of People and Places

Summary: Researchers have identified specific brain cells, known as concept neurons and location cells, that predict whether we will successfully remember people and places. These neurons in the medial temporal…

Tau Levels Predict Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s

Summary: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression varies based on the presence of tau and amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteins in the brain. Patients with high levels of both tau and Aβ experience rapid…

RNA Therapy Improves Memory and Reduces Anxiety

Summary: An RNA-based therapy, COG-201, can enhance memory and reduce anxiety in animal models by targeting the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Scientists found that decreasing this receptor’s expression led to improved…

Observing Trauma Boosts Resilience Through Serotonin

Summary: A new study reveals that observing others endure trauma can increase resilience and protect against depression. Researchers found that serotonin, released in the brain’s habenula, plays a key role…

Children’s Curiosity or Memory Gaps? Why Kids Over-Explore Tasks

Summary: Children often gather more information than needed to complete a task, even when they know the solution. A new study suggests this “over-exploration” might stem from either natural curiosity…

Memory Cues May Help Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Summary: A study suggests that recalling past alcohol experiences before drinking can slow down consumption, indicating a potential strategy to reduce alcohol intake. In the study, women who remembered a…

Mapping Fear: Brain Circuit That Detects and Remembers Threats Revealed

Summary: A new study has mapped a brain circuit responsible for detecting threats and forming fear memories. The hippocampus, known for spatial navigation, also plays a role in recognizing dangers,…

Pitch Perfect: Singing Earworms Reveals Surprising Trait

Summary: Researchers discovered that nearly 45% of people sing earworms in perfect pitch, suggesting a hidden “perfect pitch” ability in the general population. Even without formal musical training, participants accurately…

How the Brain Learns to Make Inferences

Summary: Researchers have uncovered how the brain processes inferential reasoning by recording neuron activity in individuals as they learned through trial and error. The study revealed that specific brain regions,…