Perinatal Depression: Decades of Elevated Mortality Risk

Summary: A new study highlights the long-term mortality risks associated with perinatal depression. Analyzing data from over 86,500 women, the research found that those experiencing depression during or shortly after…

Loneliness: A Silent Risk of Early Death

Summary: A new study using UK Biobank data highlights the deadly risks of social isolation, revealing that never being visited by friends or family is linked to a 39% increased…

Weather forecast accuracy is crucial in a heat wave – 1 degree can mean the difference between life and death

Weather forecasts have gotten quite good over the years, but their temperatures aren’t always spot on – and the result when they underplay extremes can be lethal. Even a 1-degree…

Early Life Loss Impacting Immune System in Later Life

Summary: Losing a parent or caregiver early in life can adversely affect immune health in later life. Researchers investigated how such losses impact the body’s response to cytomegalovirus (CMV), a…

Social Isolation’s Health Implications: Unmasking the Mortality Risks of Loneliness

Summary: A comprehensive study underscores the alarming link between social isolation, loneliness, and heightened mortality risks. The meta-analysis, involving over two million participants, found a significant increase in all-cause mortality…

Annual numbers of excess deaths in the US relative to other developed countries are growing at an alarming rate

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea People in the U.S. are dying at higher rates than in other similar high-income countries, and…