How Music Synchronizes Heart Rates and Collective Emotions

Summary: Listening to music synchronizes heart rates within individuals more reliably than between different people. This synchronization depends on physiological responses rather than mood or music preferences. The findings help…

Oxytocin’s Link to Obesity and Postnatal Depression

Summary: A new study has identified the TRPC5 gene as a cause of obesity, behavioral issues, and postnatal depression. Researchers found that missing or impaired TRPC5 genes disrupt oxytocin neurons,…

AI Unveils Evolutionary Patterns Predicted by Darwin and Wallace

Summary: A novel AI-powered study explores evolutionary differences between male and female birdwing butterflies, shedding new light on a historical debate between Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Using machine…

Misleading Information on Depression Hampers Understanding

Summary: A new study reveals that misleading information about depression is widespread, making it harder for people to grasp the causes of their distress. The study criticizes the circular reasoning…

Supranormal Hearing Achieved by Boosting Ear Synapses

Summary: Researchers have enhanced auditory processing in young mice by increasing inner ear synapses using neurotrophin-3. This study supports the hypothesis that synapse density impacts hidden hearing loss in humans.…

Digital Devices Hinder Kids’ Emotional Regulation Development

Summary: A new study reveals that using digital devices to manage children’s tantrums hampers their ability to regulate emotions later in life. Researchers found that frequent use of tablets or…

Surge in Microdosing Interest Linked to Relaxed Drug Policies

Summary: A new study reveals a 1250% increase in Google searches for micro dosing from 2015 to 2023, driven by relaxed regulations on cannabis and psychedelics. The research shows policy…

Peptide Improves Cognition in Schizophrenia

Summary: Researchers developed a novel peptide, KS-133, to target cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. By using a brain-targeting peptide, KS-487, they successfully transported KS-133 across the blood-brain barrier. Their nanoparticle-based drug…

AI Increases Lie Accusations, Changing How We Trust and Detect Deception

Summary: New research shows people are more likely to accuse others of lying when AI makes the accusation first. This insight highlights the potential social impact of AI in lie…

First Neandertal with Down Syndrome: Evidence of Altruistic Care in Prehistory

Summary: A new study documents the first case of Down syndrome in a Neandertal child named “Tina,” found in Spain. Despite severe hearing loss and vertigo, Tina survived to at…