Self-Control, Not Impulsivity, Paves the Way to Power

Summary: Self-control, rather than impulsivity, often leads individuals to attain power. The research involved seven experiments with 3,500 participants, demonstrating that individuals exhibiting high levels of self-control were perceived as…

Pornography’s Broad Impact Across Genders

Summary: A new study examines the phenomenon of problematic pornography use (PPU) across 42 countries, involving over 82,000 people of diverse genders and sexual orientations. The research highlights how PPU…

A New Window into Neural Dynamics

Summary: Researchers have developed a groundbreaking “nanosheet incorporated into light-curable resin” (NIRE) method, enabling unprecedented large-scale and long-term observation of neuronal activity in awake mice. This innovative technique utilizes fluoropolymer…

Exposure to different kinds of music influences how the brain interprets rhythm

Credit: CC0 Public Domain When listening to music, the human brain appears to be biased toward hearing and producing rhythms composed of simple integer ratios—for example, a series of four…

Daytime Physical Activity is Key to Unlocking Better Sleep

Summary: A new study reveals a strong link between daytime physical activity and improved sleep quality among both children and adults. Analyzing the daily routines of over 2500 participants, the…

Child Adversity’s Impact on Cognition and Mental Health

Summary: A new study reveals a direct correlation between adversities faced in childhood and adulthood with later psychiatric and cognitive decline. Analyzing data from nearly 3,500 individuals over 24 years,…

Attitude Bias at Procrastination’s Root

Summary: New research delves into how valence weighting bias—people’s tendency to prioritize negative or positive attitudes—plays a crucial role in procrastination. By studying individuals’ responses to tasks like tax filing…

Autism Social Difficulties Linked to Specific Gene

Summary: Researchers shed light on the genetic underpinnings of social behavior, focusing on the gene GTF2I’s role in Williams syndrome and its contrast in autism spectrum disorders. The study, utilizing…

Molecular clusters on glial cells show they are more than our brain’s ‘glue’

Graphical abstract. Credit: Cell Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.113844 Neuroscientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center have found that an often-overlooked type of brain cell called glia has more of a role…

Researchers model blood-brain barrier using ‘Tissue-in-a-CUBE’ system

The modular Tissue-in-a-CUBE platform for drug screening, a new alternative model for animal testing. Credit: RIKEN A research team at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) in Japan…