Sleep, Circadian Rhythm, and Mental Health

Summary: A new study highlights the critical link between sleep, circadian rhythms, and psychiatric disorders, suggesting that disturbances in sleep and internal body clocks can trigger or exacerbate mental health…

Dopamine’s Role in Movement Explored

Summary: A new study explains how dopamine influences movement sequences, offering hope for Parkinson’s disease (PD) therapies. Researchers observed that dopamine not only motivates movement but also controls the length…

Additional study shows promise for low-intensity ultrasound as a non-invasive approach to alleviate pain

Wynn Legon (left), the faculty director of the transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound facilities at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, and Andrew Strohman, an M.D.-Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech, were among…

Are You At Risk of Burnout?

Summary: Researchers highlighted that around 13% of Norwegian employees are at high risk of burnout. The study introduces a novel tool, the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT), designed to identify individuals…

Antidepressants Impact Brain Development – Neuroscience News

Summary: Using antidepressants during pregnancy, specifically fluoxetine (found in Prozac and Sarafem), can significantly affect a child’s brain development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, potentially increasing the risk of mental…

Understanding Impatience: Why We Hate Waiting Around

Summary: A new study delves into the psychological dynamics of impatience, exploring why waiting feels so arduous. Through two comprehensive studies, researchers investigate how the need for closure exacerbates impatience,…

Unlocking Cell Death Secrets: Lipids Key to Ferroptosis Control

Summary: Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery, identifying a rare lipid as a crucial factor in ferroptosis, a unique form of cell death. This lipid, characterized by its two polyunsaturated…

The Impact of Borderline Personality Disorder on Jealousy and Relationship Retention

Summary: Individuals with borderline personality (BPD) features are more prone to suspicious jealousy, which significantly influences their romantic relationships. This suspiciousness leads to a range of mate retention behaviors, from…

Why We Learn Better From People We Like

Summary: Our brains favor learning from individuals we like over those we dislike, a phenomenon crucial for memory integration. Through experiments involving everyday objects, the study demonstrated that our ability…

Emotional Processing Influenced by Culture and Language

Summary: Recent research reveals that recognizing emotions through body language is not purely instinctual but culturally learned. Scientists in the US discovered that emotion category words like ‘disgust’ influence how…