The ARE Robot Fabricator (RoboFab). Evolved robot skeletons (green) are 3D printed, the robot arm equips them with a central ‘head’ (red) and then attaches modular ‘organs’ (dark blue) to…
Tag: Robotics
Scientists create soft and scalable robotic hand based on multiple materials
Credit: Alves et al Robots based on soft materials are often better at replicating the appearance, movements and abilities of both humans and animals. While there are now countless soft…
Robotic-assisted dressing system accommodates different poses, body types and garments
Yufei Wang, a Ph.D. student in Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute, watches as a robot pulls a hospital gown up his arm. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Most people take getting…
New dual-arm robot achieves bimanual tasks by learning from simulation
Dual arm robot holding crisp. Credit: University of Bristol An innovative bimanual robot displays tactile sensitivity close to human-level dexterity using AI to inform its actions. The new Bi-Touch system,…
New method for dynamic target tracking in GPS-denied environments
Reference coordinate frames of the UAV system. Credit: Yanjie Chen, Yangning Wu, Limin Lan, Hang Zhong, Zhiqiang Miao, Hui Zhang, Yaonan Wang A study published in Engineering introduces a novel…
An open-source and Python-based platform for the 2D simulation of Robocup soccer
Screenshot of a soccer simulation 2D League in Python base. Credit: Zare et al. RoboCup is an international annual event designed to showcase advances in the fields of robotics and…
An origami-inspired universally deformable module for robotics applications
Credit: Chao Zhang Modular robots—robotic systems that can adapt their body configuration to change locomotion style or move on different terrains—can be highly advantageous for tackling missions in diverse environments.…
Robotic sea turtle mimics uniquely adaptable gait
Turtle-robot making its way across varied terrain on campus. Credit: University of Notre Dame Sea turtles can glide majestically through ocean waters and maneuver like armored vehicles over rocks and…
Robots cause company profits to fall—at least at first
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers have found that robots can have a ‘U-shaped’ effect on profits: causing profit margins to fall at first, before eventually rising again. The researchers, from…