Innovative imaging technique uses the quantum properties of X-ray light

Balance declines with age, but exercise can help stave off some of the risk of falling

My wife and I were in the grocery store recently when we noticed an older woman reaching above her head for some produce. As she stretched out her hand, she…

Parasitic infections hit the health of low-income Black communities where states have neglected sewage systems

Intestinal infections take a heavy toll on impoverished Black communities that have out-of-date sewage systems. These infections often spread through contaminated soil and water and are among the most common…

Octopuses and squid are masters of RNA editing while leaving DNA intact

Citations S. Alon, et al. The majority of transcripts in the squid nervous system are extensively recoded by A-to-I RNA editing. eLife. January 8, 2015. doi: 10.7554/eLife.05198.  N. Liscovitch-Brauer, et…

Electric trucks pick up speed despite bumpy road

Manufacturers are beginning to mass procuce electric heavy trucks, but there is plenty of road to travel before they supplant diesels. Using a motorised arm, a worker at Volvo’s factory…

How can we decrease risks of getting genetic-based diseases even if we carry potentially harmful genes?

The study of genetics has always been an attempt to understand our biologically determined fate. Many of us know of families with a predisposition to maladies like heart disease or…

Martian crust like heavy armour

A strong quake in the last year of the NASA Mars InSight mission enabled researchers at ETH Zurich to determine the global thickness and density of the planet’s crust. On…

Individuals who feel safe where they live lose more weight, study finds

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Feeling safe where you live may be key to weight loss, the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Dublin, Ireland (May 17-20) will hear. Preliminary Dutch…

Promoting lower-calorie options on delivery apps could help users select healthier options, randomized trials find

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Simple initiatives to help people select lower-calorie options when ordering takeaways in delivery apps could help tackle the obesity epidemic, suggest three randomized trials being presented…

Archaeologists discover oldest scale plans for humanmade mega-structures |

Archaeologists have found engravings from between 7,000 and 8,000-years-ago that depict nearby desert kites, vast structures used to trap animals. The ability to condense vast expanses of space onto a…