Summary: Researchers studied the brain activity of healthy participants under the influence of nitrous oxide, comparing it to data from studies with ketamine and LSD to see whether the neurobiology…
Category: Featured
Novel additive helps improve stability of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells
The spatial distributions of long-alkyl-chain anionic surfactant additives in perovskite precursors. Credit: NIMTE Prof. Ye Jichun’s team at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese…
Self-driving cars must learn the language of cyclists to keep roads safe, research suggests
Credit: University of Glasgow Future generations of self-driving cars should learn the language of cyclists to help them safely share the roads with bikes, new research suggests. Human-computer interaction specialists…
Link Found Between Common Ear, Nose, and Throat Infections in Preschoolers and Increased Risk of Autism
Summary: Preschoolers with common ear, nose, and throat (ENT) issues may be at risk of autism or high levels of autism traits, according to a study published in BMJ Open.…
How a horse whisperer can help engineers build better robots
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Humans and horses have enjoyed a strong working relationship for nearly 10,000 years—a partnership that transformed how food was produced, people were transported and even how…
Monkey See, Monkey Think: Groundbreaking Study Reveals Primate’s Ability for Complex Decision-Making
Summary: Move over humans, monkeys can think deeply too! A novel study has shown that monkeys are capable of careful decision-making by considering costs, consequences, and constraints. Findings reveal our…
UK government suggested AI framework is too limited, say technology experts
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Shaping AI is an ongoing international social science research study that examines public debates about artificial intelligence in four countries across a ten-year period (2012–2022). Academics…
Manufacturers hope for AI boost in factories
Manufacturers see potential for artificial intelligence in the sector. Manufacturers are hoping for the artificial intelligence revolution to reach their factories, envisaging robots being used to repair complex machinery. There…
Twitter reinstates blue ticks for some media, celebrities
A number of celebrities have regained their blue ticks, seemingly without action on their part, including author Stephen King and former US president Donald Trump. Twitter’s blue ticks were reinstated…
Grad student helps design ‘artificial muscles’ you can toss in the compost bin
An “artificial muscle” made, in part, from material designed for biodegradable grocery bags. Credit: Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Say “hello” to the robots of the future: They’re soft…