Teens & Screen Pain: Unveiling Netflix’s Impact on Youth Empathy

Summary: Popular Netflix shows and films expose adolescents to an average of 10 incidents of pain every hour, challenging portrayals of pain and suffering in media aimed at 12 to…

Age Influences Perception of Self-Presentation

Summary: Age significantly impacts how self-presentation, or manipulating others’ evaluations of oneself, is perceived, particularly in the context of the protagonist’s usual performance. Their study, involving elementary school children and…

Anxiety Drives Wishful Thinking to Risky Levels

Summary: Individuals tend to become overly optimistic in situations marked by insecurity and anxiety, potentially to their detriment. The research, involving more than 1,700 participants, demonstrated that people are less…

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). The study, which included young adults with and…

Embracing Neurodiversity: Beyond Stigma to Strength

Summary: A new study highlights the need to recognize and celebrate the diverse skills of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. The research advocates for a shift…

High Rates of Suicidal Ideation in Rural Black Men

Summary: A new study highlights the alarming rates of suicidal thoughts among rural Black men, attributing significant causes to childhood adversity and racism. This research, involving over 500 African American…

Psychology of Stock Choices: High Risk or Steady Gains?

Summary: Researchers conducted a study exploring why investors are drawn to high-risk IPO shares despite their generally low returns, comparing this allure to the steady yet modest returns of investments…

Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making

Summary: Researchers challenge the notion that rational thinking is the only path to good decision-making. Highlighting the limited role of rationality in our choices, the researchers emphasize the profound influence…

Harmony in Chaos: How BPD Influences Music Tastes

Summary: Recent research reveals that individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) exhibit distinct music preferences, favoring reflective and complex genres such as classical and jazz over intense, rebellious ones. The…

Canine Cognition: Dogs Match Words with Objects

Summary: A new study reveals dogs’ ability to understand words as representations of objects, indicating a deeper level of cognitive processing than previously thought. Researchers used non-invasive EEG to measure…