AI and Mindfulness: A New Way to Manage Pain

Summary: A new study examines the potential of artificial intelligence to shift chronic pain treatment from opioids to mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Utilizing machine learning to analyze extensive patient data,…

Happiness Takes Practice – Neuroscience News

Summary: Happiness can indeed be learned through courses like their ‘Science of Happiness’, which educates students on evidence-informed habits for well-being. However, a follow-up study indicates that the initial boost…

Decoding Emotions: Beyond Senses in the Human Brain

Summary: A new study explores how the human brain constructs emotions, regardless of sensory input. By analyzing brain activity in individuals with and without sensory deprivations while they experienced the…

Drawings Shape Math Problem-Solving Skills

Summary: Researchers uncovered the connection between individuals’ drawings and their arithmetic problem-solving strategies. By analyzing the illustrations produced by both children and adults when tasked with solving simple mathematical problems,…

Linking Childhood Adversity to Adult Mental Health

Summary: Researchers delved into how adverse childhood experiences contribute to the risk of psychiatric illness in adulthood, leveraging data from over 25,000 twins in the Swedish Twin Registry. The study…

Less Obesity and Depression in NPD Individuals

Summary: A comprehensive study across 38 states in the U.S. has revealed a surprising link between narcissism and positive health outcomes, including lower obesity and depression rates. States with higher…

Peer Pressure Persists Through Adulthood

Summary: Adults, not just teens, face the challenges of peer pressure and social conformity. By surveying 157 adults aged 18 to 80, researchers discovered that younger adults are more susceptible…

Gen Z’s Climate Anxiety: A Call for Action and Hope

Summary: A new study reveals Gen Z’s profound concern over climate change, identifying it as their top environmental worry with over 80% feeling anxious about its impacts. This climate anxiety…

Self-Control, Not Impulsivity, Paves the Way to Power

Summary: Self-control, rather than impulsivity, often leads individuals to attain power. The research involved seven experiments with 3,500 participants, demonstrating that individuals exhibiting high levels of self-control were perceived as…

Pornography’s Broad Impact Across Genders

Summary: A new study examines the phenomenon of problematic pornography use (PPU) across 42 countries, involving over 82,000 people of diverse genders and sexual orientations. The research highlights how PPU…