How anti-Semitism shaped the genes of Jewish people

November, 2018 saw the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass.” On November 9 and 10, 1938, Storm Troopers, Hitler Youth, and civilians rampaged through Nazi Germany, shattering the windows…

The Human Genome Project: Inside the ‘most important biomedical research undertaking of the 20th Century’

The Big Picture The Human Genome Project was a landmark global scientific effort whose signature goal was to generate the first sequence of the human genome. In 2003, the Human…

Muscle Proteins Trigger Desire for Exercise

Summary: A new study reveals that certain muscle proteins activated during exercise can increase the desire to stay active, shedding light on a muscle-brain signaling pathway. The research suggests that…

Mosquito massacre: Can we safely tackle malaria with a CRISPR gene drive?

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing quickly decimated two caged populations of malaria-bearing mosquitoes (Anopheles gambiae) in a recent study, introducing a new way to solve an age-old problem. But the paper describing…

A futurist says our species evolves in 3 phases: With 1 down, here’s what may come next

Jeffrey Charles Hardy introduces a three-tiered model of human evolution—the “First, Suspended, and Second Human Evolution.” Standing back and viewing the human trajectory from its pre-historic origin to today and…

Viewpoint: Biotechnology rejectionists claim the Green Revolution caused more harm than good. Here are the facts.

After the Second World War, regional famines began to occur. Believing that increasing agricultural performance can be the solution to the problem, individuals and organizations have rolled up their sleeves…

Viewpoint: How can we dramatically increase agricultural yields sustainably and without using more land?

A 70% increase in global demand for food by 2050, set against urgent biodiversity and climate pressures, requires an unprecedented transformation of our food system. This challenge can in part…

Viewpoint: Gene-editing roadblocks — Excessive regulations and a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ mindset hamper gene editing’s massive potential to address climate change

Jared Diamond (1997) observed that, Any society goes through social movements or fads, in which economically useless things become valued or useful things devalued temporarily. Nowadays, when almost all societies…

Unraveling Schizophrenia: Genetics and Environmental Insights

Summary: A recent review outlines the genetic complexity of schizophrenia, highlighting nearly 300 common genetic variants and over 20 rare variants linked to the disorder. Researchers emphasize that schizophrenia’s genetic…

Breakthough Institute: Are cover crops the silver bullet to reduce agricultural carbon emissions as regenerative-farming enthusiasts claim? Time for a rethink

Cover cropping, the practice of planting secondary crops during the off-season to improve soil health, has roots stretching back to antiquity. Ancient Romans used crops like lupines to enhance soil fertility…