15 Key Motives Drive Human Behavior

Summary: Researchers analyzed human motivation from an evolutionary perspective, identifying 15 key motives that drive behavior. These motives, grouped into five categories—environmental, physiological, reproductive, psychological, and social—reflect adaptations that helped…

Why Some People Remember Dreams and Others Don’t

Summary: A new study explores why some people vividly recall dreams while others forget them. Researchers found that dream recall is influenced by personality traits, sleep patterns, and even seasonal…

Viewpoint: Fox News heads deeper down the science-ignorant fox hole

In the media, every food is either a magical cure-all or a hidden danger lurking in your pantry. Instead of addressing our poor lifestyle choices, they chase sensationalized nutrition fads…

Early Life Stress Rewires Brain Circuits Linked to Social Motivation

Summary: New research shows that early life stress disrupts dopamine signaling, altering social motivation and behavior. Scientists found that mice raised in stressful conditions were less likely to engage in…

Depression Speeds Up Physical Illness

Summary: Adults with a history of depression develop long-term physical conditions about 30% faster than those without, according to a large study. Researchers analyzed data from over 172,000 participants and…

Prenatal Stress Hormones Alter Brain Development

Summary: Environmental factors like stress and medication exposure during pregnancy can shape brain development, but the mechanisms remain unclear. Researchers used brain organoids to study the effects of synthetic glucocorticoids,…

Strip cropping improves plant defenses against herbivorous insects via the soil   – Functional Ecologists

In this post Laura Riggi from University of Wageningen (Netherlands) presents her work ‘Strip-cropping legacy enhances potato plant defence responses to aphids via soil-mediated mechanisms’. She talks about the importance…

AI-Enhanced Chip Unravels Brain’s Neural Networks

Summary: Researchers have mapped over 70,000 synaptic connections in rat neurons using a silicon chip with 4,096 microhole electrodes, significantly advancing neuronal recording technology. Unlike traditional electron microscopy, which only…

Brain Bleeds Double Dementia Risk

Summary: Researchers have found that intracranial hemorrhages, or “brain bleeds,” double the risk of developing dementia later in life. While ischemic strokes caused by blood clots have long been linked…

How Ketamine Binds to Brain Receptors to Alter Mood

Summary: New research sheds light on how ketamine affects the brain by targeting a specific NMDA receptor subtype, GluN1-2B-2D. Scientists used electron cryo-microscopy to capture how ketamine binds to this…