Role of Serotonin Release in Depression Uncovered

Summary: Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on its role in depression. The study revealed that while serotonin levels…

Robot Deception: Some Lies Accepted, Others Rejected

Summary: A new study examined how humans perceive different types of deception by robots, revealing that people accept some lies more than others. Researchers presented nearly 500 participants with scenarios…

Environment and Hippocampal Size Impact Depression in Youth

Summary: Challenging social environments and the size of the left hippocampus in children aged 9-11 contribute to an increased risk of depression. Researchers found that children with larger hippocampal volumes…

RNA Therapy Improves Memory and Reduces Anxiety

Summary: An RNA-based therapy, COG-201, can enhance memory and reduce anxiety in animal models by targeting the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Scientists found that decreasing this receptor’s expression led to improved…

Schizophrenia Linked to Disrupted Synaptic Plasticity

Summary: Researchers have identified a mechanism that impairs synaptic plasticity in individuals with schizophrenia, revealing the role of three key proteins. Using computational modeling, the team explored how genetic alterations…

Observing Trauma Boosts Resilience Through Serotonin

Summary: A new study reveals that observing others endure trauma can increase resilience and protect against depression. Researchers found that serotonin, released in the brain’s habenula, plays a key role…

How much does aging affect mental acuity? It’s debatable

I cringed recently while driving to the clinic where I specialize in geriatric medicine when I heard a young radio announcer refer to old people as “wiggy,” a pejorative for…

No Link Found Between Ozempic and Suicide Risk

Summary: A new study has found no evidence that GLP-1 analogues, common diabetes drugs, increase the risk of suicide, self-harm, or related mental health issues. Researchers analyzed data from around…

Virtual Reality Boosts Exercise Engagement by Sensing Emotions

Summary: Adaptive VR exergames, which adjust difficulty based on a user’s emotional state, can improve exercise adherence and enjoyment. By using sensors to monitor physiological changes like heart rate and…

Tau May Protect Brain Cells from Oxidative Damage

Summary: Researchers have discovered that the Tau protein, often linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, also has a protective role in the brain. Tau helps combat oxidative stress by aiding…