Empathy in Kids Linked to Poorer Health Amid Parental Conflict

Summary: Empathetic children aged 7-9 show poorer health and higher inflammation levels when exposed to interparental conflict. The research highlights the physiological impact of empathy in stressful home environments. The…

Parent-Child Synchrony Isn’t Always Better for Attachment Development

Summary: Researchers revealed nuanced insights into parent-child synchrony, differentiating between behavioral and brain-to-brain connections in 140 families. This research indicates that higher brain-to-brain synchrony, particularly in mothers with insecure attachment…

Childhood Loneliness Linked to Later Psychosis

Summary: Childhood loneliness significantly increases the likelihood of experiencing a psychotic episode later in life, particularly in women. Through an observational case-control study involving 285 first-episode psychosis patients and 261…

Cannabis in Pregnancy Linked to Autism and ADHD Risk

Summary: Researchers identified a strong link between prenatal cannabis use disorder (CUD) and heightened risks of ADHD, ASD, and ID in children. The study analyzed over 222,000 mother-offspring pairs in…

Teens & Screen Pain: Unveiling Netflix’s Impact on Youth Empathy

Summary: Popular Netflix shows and films expose adolescents to an average of 10 incidents of pain every hour, challenging portrayals of pain and suffering in media aimed at 12 to…

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). The study, which included young adults with and…

Embracing Neurodiversity: Beyond Stigma to Strength

Summary: A new study highlights the need to recognize and celebrate the diverse skills of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. The research advocates for a shift…

Brain Abnormalities in Children with Developmental Language Disorder

Summary: Researchers have discovered that the anterior neostriatum, a part of the brain linked with movement, shows abnormalities in children with developmental language impairments. This study utilized a novel computational…

Touch and See: Unlocking Early Self-Recognition in Toddlers

Summary: A new study reveals the role of touch in early self-recognition among toddlers. By using vibrating discs to encourage babies to touch their faces, researchers found these children developed…

Linking Childhood Adversity to Adult Mental Health

Summary: Researchers delved into how adverse childhood experiences contribute to the risk of psychiatric illness in adulthood, leveraging data from over 25,000 twins in the Swedish Twin Registry. The study…