Schizophrenia Identified in 60 Seconds via Visual Fixation

Summary: Researchers have identified spatial and temporal abnormalities in spontaneous fixational saccades as a potential biomarker for cognitive and positive symptoms in schizophrenia. Researchers combined patient data of fixational eye…

Snap a Selfie for the Memory: Why Third-Person Photos Capture Deeper Meaning of Events

Summary: People are more likely to take third-person photos, like selfies, when their goal is to capture the deeper meaning of an event, but opt for first-person photos when they…

Spread Happiness: Sharing Positive Emotions Can Help Combat Loneliness and Negativity

Summary: A new study suggests that sharing positive feelings with others may ease loneliness-based negativity, which can contribute to psychological issues and physical health problems. Researchers at the University of…

Children and Adults Process Social Interactions Differently: Study Reveals Key Differences in Brain Activation

Summary: A new study found brain differences between adults and children that potentially explain developmental differences in social interaction understanding. The study showed that children and adults might employ different…

Brain differences suggest that children and adults use different strategies to understand social interactions

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Understanding the meaning of social interactions is an important human ability that relies on deciphering different kinds of social information. For example, perceiving body and face…

Pandemic Pet Pals: Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Pet Ownership, Stress, and Loneliness During Lockdown

Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, US dog and cat owners became closer to their pets, though pet ownership did not consistently alleviate stress and loneliness. The relationship between mental health…

Correlation Between Social Vulnerability and Elevated Suicide Risks Discovered

Summary: Social determinants of health are linked to suicide risk, with the suicide rate nearly doubling between the least and most socially vulnerable counties. The study proposes several public health…

Your Happiness Is Not Just About Your Personality; It’s Also Affected by Circumstances

Summary: Objective circumstances and behaviors like wealth and health affect happiness as much as subjective psychological traits, according to a recent study. Researchers found that surveys of happiness and life…

Enlightening Study Explores the Neurobiology of Psychedelics

Summary: Researchers studied the brain activity of healthy participants under the influence of nitrous oxide, comparing it to data from studies with ketamine and LSD to see whether the neurobiology…

Link Found Between Common Ear, Nose, and Throat Infections in Preschoolers and Increased Risk of Autism

Summary: Preschoolers with common ear, nose, and throat (ENT) issues may be at risk of autism or high levels of autism traits, according to a study published in BMJ Open.…