Brain biomarker in blood sample predicts stroke, researchers demonstrate

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers at Uppsala University Hospital and Uppsala University have demonstrated that a simple blood test that reflects brain health can predict which people are most at…

Researchers urge Medicare coverage of driving assessments for at-risk, older adults

Credit: Tim Samuel from Pexels In 2020, approximately 48 million licensed drivers were older than 65 years. Within this age group, car crashes led to 7,480 deaths and 149,881 non-fatal…

Brain Scans Improve Concussion Care by Predicting Lasting Symptoms

Summary: Advanced MRI scans, particularly diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), have shown promise in predicting which concussion patients are at risk for long-term symptoms. While standard CT scans often fail to…

Moral Values Shift with the Seasons

Summary: A study has found that people’s endorsement of moral values fluctuates seasonally, with group-focused values like loyalty, authority, and purity being more strongly supported in spring and fall. This…

Classical Music Synchronizes Brain Waves, Improving Depression

Summary: Western classical music can significantly affect brain activity, particularly in people with treatment-resistant depression. By measuring brainwaves and neural imaging, scientists discovered that music synchronizes neural oscillations between brain…

Lower Dementia Risk Than Previously Thought in Parkinson’s

Summary: A new study suggests that the risk of developing dementia in Parkinson’s disease patients may be lower or occur later than previously reported. Researchers analyzed data from two large…

Greater Knowledge May Harm Group Welfare

Summary: Increasing knowledge can lead to negative outcomes when individuals use it for self-interest rather than collective good. Researchers argue that enhanced knowledge can reduce cooperation among rational individuals, potentially…

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Stress Levels

Summary: Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel less stressed, according to new research. The findings suggest that people can lower their perception of…

Child Signals: Vocal Cues Shape Adult Perceptions

Summary: Human children depend on caregivers for extended periods, employing complex vocal and cognitive cues to elicit adult attention and care. Recent research shows that adults prioritize vocal cues when…

Treat or Train? Orexin Helps Brain Decide

Summary: Researchers have identified orexin, a brain chemical, as crucial in deciding between exercising and indulging in treats. In experiments with mice, those with an intact orexin system were more…