Kindness Meditation Boosts Memory Recall in Depression Recovery

Summary: A form of meditation focused on unconditional kindness can enhance memory recall in individuals with a history of depression. Participants engaged in daily ten-minute meditations aimed at promoting happiness,…

Childhood IQ and Wealth: Uncovering Diverse Financial Paths in Adulthood

Summary: Cognitive ability in childhood correlates differently with various aspects of financial wellbeing in adulthood. Researchers analyzed data from 5,858 individuals, considering their cognitive skills at age 10 and their…

Unveiling the Complexity of Musical Taste: Subgenres and Preferences Explored

Summary: Researchers report personal musical preferences aren’t just about genre, but also about sub-genres within those categories. Surveying over 2,000 individuals, they discovered that fans within the same genre can…

Pandemic Pet Pals: Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Pet Ownership, Stress, and Loneliness During Lockdown

Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, US dog and cat owners became closer to their pets, though pet ownership did not consistently alleviate stress and loneliness. The relationship between mental health…

Reality or Illusion? The Human Battle with Distinguishing Imagination from Reality

Summary: The more vividly we imagine something, the more likely we are to believe it’s real, a new study reports. Researchers found the brain encodes the vividness of perceived and…

Mapping the Psyche of Extreme Altruists

Summary: While more altruistic people can be distinguished from typical adults by their unselfish traits and actions, they are generally not different in other ways. Altruistic people are no more…

How High Blood Pressure Affects Mental Health

Summary: Researchers have discovered high blood pressure, depression, and emotion-related brain activity are linked to the development of hypertension. Source: Max Planck Institute Our mental health and that of our…