Mood Dips During Pill Pause

Summary: Research reveals that women’s mood can decline during the 7-day pill-free interval of contraceptive cycles. The study evaluated the mental health of long-term pill users and found heightened anxiety…

Treating Mom’s Postnatal Depression with SSRIs Also Boosts Child Behavior

Summary: A new study found that treating postnatal depression with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) benefits not just mothers but also their children. The study, which analyzed data from over…

Ketamine in Depression Treatment: Balancing Promise with Caution

Summary: Researchers examined the evolving use of ketamine as a treatment for depression in New Zealand. While acknowledging its potential benefits for treatment-resistant depression, they advise against a rapid large-scale…

Psychedelics Sync Neurons: A Glimpse into Consciousness & Psychosis

Summary: Researchers have pioneered a method to simultaneously measure electrical signals from 128 brain regions in conscious rats. Using this technique, they observed the effects of psychedelic drugs, LSD and…

Journeys Beyond: Contrasting Psychedelic Trips and Near-Death Experiences

Summary: A research study scrutinizes the parallels and differences between a near-death experience (NDE) during a coma and the experience induced by a potent psychedelic drug, 5-Methoxy-DMT (5MeO-DMT). The researchers…

Study Challenges Longstanding Beliefs About Action of Antipsychotic Medications

Summary: Researchers uncovered a pivotal detail that could revolutionize schizophrenia treatment. Contrary to longstanding belief, antipsychotic drugs that mitigate overactive dopamine, a hallmark of schizophrenia, interact primarily with a different…

New Dads with Prior Antidepressant Use 30x More Likely to Restart Treatment

Summary: New fathers with a history of antidepressant use are over 30 times more likely to require such treatment again in the first year after their child’s birth. The study,…

New Antidepressant Reduces Stress and Depression With Low Side Effects

Summary: Scientists developed a potential anti-depressant drug that exhibits anti-stressing and anti-depressant effects with minimal side effects. The drug, KNT-127 quickly acts on the patient without inducing resistance. Researchers found…

Enlightening Study Explores the Neurobiology of Psychedelics

Summary: Researchers studied the brain activity of healthy participants under the influence of nitrous oxide, comparing it to data from studies with ketamine and LSD to see whether the neurobiology…