Autism Social Difficulties Linked to Specific Gene

Summary: Researchers shed light on the genetic underpinnings of social behavior, focusing on the gene GTF2I’s role in Williams syndrome and its contrast in autism spectrum disorders. The study, utilizing…

Shaping Empathy: Adult Brains Can Learn Compassion

Summary: Empathy, often considered a fixed trait, has been shown to be malleable in adults, influenced by observing the empathetic reactions of others. The study utilized Computational Modeling and functional…

Ketamine’s Key to Unlocking Social Bonding in Depression

Summary: Researchers made a significant breakthrough in understanding how ketamine treats depression-related social impairments, focusing on the drug’s effects in the mouse model. Their study shows that (R)-ketamine, as opposed…

Loneliness Linked to Negative Eating Behaviors

Summary: Researchers reveals significant associations between social isolation, loneliness, and detrimental food and eating behaviors, uncovering the intricate relationship between emotional well-being and dietary habits. The study, involving 29 research…

Violence Spreads Like Contagion in Certain Groups

Summary: A recent study highlights how violence among members of the Italian mafia spreads contagiously, with those committing violent acts in groups more likely to continue such behavior in the…

People Likely to Conceal Contagious Sickness for Social Commitments

Summary: A significant number of people, including healthcare workers, conceal infectious illnesses to maintain their work and social commitments. The study, involving over 4,100 participants, found that 75% had hidden…

Income Gap Influences Friendships in Adolescents

Summary: A new study reveals that adolescents from low-income families are less socially integrated in school compared to their higher-income peers, regardless of the school’s socioeconomic context. Analyzing data from…

Fair Share or Fair Play: Unraveling Our Brain’s Fairness Mechanisms

Summary: Researchers evaluate the neuroscientific aspects of fairness in social settings, examining how we balance personal interests with social norms. Using electric brain stimulation on 60 volunteers, researchers identified key…

Eye-Tracking Unveils Autism’s Distinctive Worldview and Social Focus Shift

Summary: Researchers have discovered that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) develop distinct attentional preferences compared to typically developing children, focusing more on non-social stimuli like objects and textures. Using…

Revealing Secrets: People’s Fear of Judgment is Overestimated

Summary: New research dispels fears of judgment when sharing secrets. Study shows that when individuals confide their secrets, others perceive them as more charitable and trustworthy. Participants consistently expected harsher…