Cooperative Care Influences Brain Development in Humans and Marmosets

Summary: Cooperative breeding influences brain development in common marmosets and humans, allowing longer periods for social learning. Marmoset brains, like human brains, develop socio-cognitive regions slowly, maturing in early adulthood.…

Social Media Verification Drives Polarization and Echo Chambers

Summary: A new study shows that X’s verification system, which gives verified users priority in algorithms, can increase polarization and trigger the formation of echo chambers. Researchers used computational modeling…

Parent-Child Play Shapes Social Skills for Interacting with Peers

Summary: How parents and toddlers play together can predict children’s future social interactions. By observing over 120 mother-child pairs, researchers found that responsive and assertive behaviors during play were linked…

People Empathize with Bullied AI Bots

Summary: People empathize with AI bots excluded from a virtual game, treating them like social beings in need of fairness. Participants favored giving the AI bot a fair chance in…

Imaging Links Fewer Brain Connections to Autism Social Challenges

Summary: A recent study used PET imaging to examine synaptic connections in autistic and non-autistic adults, marking the first time this technology was applied to autism research. Findings show autistic…

Dolphins’ “Smile” Reveals Playful Intentions

Summary: Bottlenose dolphins use an “open mouth” expression, similar to a smile, during playful interactions with other dolphins. This expression is a signal of fun and playfulness, preventing misunderstandings as…

Game Theory Challenged: Humans Cooperate Despite Betrayal

Summary: Humans tend to cooperate even after being betrayed, defying traditional game theory expectations. Researchers conducted online experiments using alternating and voluntary participation games, revealing that people are more tolerant…

What Makes Yawning Contagious? – Neuroscience News

Summary: Yawning is a universal behavior observed in many species, but why do we tend to yawn when someone else does? While the idea that yawning increases brain oxygenation remains…

Neural Circuitry Behind Social Group Preferences Discovered

Summary: Scientists have identified the brain circuitry that drives spiny mice to prefer larger social groups. The study shows that neural signaling from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to the…

Human-Dog Brain Activity Syncs During Bonding

Summary: During social interactions, human and dog brain activity becomes synchronized, with mutual gazing and petting enhancing this connection. Over five days, synchronization between human-dog pairs increased with familiarity, suggesting…