The Secret to Raising Independent Kids? Let Them Learn on Their Own

Summary: Parents are 50% less likely to intervene in their young children’s tasks, such as getting dressed, when these activities are framed as learning opportunities. A new study demonstrated that…

Unexpected Sounds Boost Dopamine, Leading to Riskier Decisions

Summary: A new study shows that unexpected sounds can cause dopamine bursts in the brain, which may lead to riskier decision-making. Researchers found that participants were 4% more likely to…

100+ Genes Linked to Anxiety Disorders Identified

Summary: A large-scale genetic study involving over 1 million participants has uncovered more than 100 genes associated with anxiety. Researchers found that these genes contribute to the development of anxiety…

Universal Music: All Recognize Dance & Lullabies, But Not Love Songs

Summary: While many musical themes are universally recognized, love songs are an exception. The study involved playing music snippets to over 5,000 participants from 49 countries, asking them to classify…