Brain Stimulation Enhances Memory in Schizophrenia Patients

Summary: A new study suggests that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can improve aspects of prospective memory in individuals with schizophrenia. The trial compared 50 schizophrenia patients, split between active…

Childhood Stress Linked to Adult Depression

Summary: A new study reveals a connection between negative life events (NLE) in childhood and a higher likelihood of developing depression in young adulthood. This research, involving 321 participants, showed…

Depression and Anxiety Are Not Cancer Risk Factors

Summary: The association between depression, anxiety and cancer risk has been a point of contention in scientific circles. In an new study a multi-national team refutes the idea that these…

Testosterone’s Dual Role in Brain Development: Affects Emotion Control Differently Across Ages

Summary: Higher testosterone levels influence emotion control differently during adolescence and adulthood. Using brain imaging, they discovered a positive impact of testosterone on the engagement of the brain’s anterior prefrontal…

Laughter as Medicine: Humor Therapy Reduces Depression and Anxiety Symptoms

Summary: Humor therapy might alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The comprehensive study comprised 29 diverse studies from nine countries, involving 2,964 participants with depression, anxiety, or both. While most…