Perceptions of Past Abuse: Memory of Childhood Trauma Impact Mental Health More Than Abuse Itself

Summary: he recollection and processing of childhood abuse or neglect can significantly impact mental health in adulthood, more than the experiences themselves. The research revealed that self-reported experiences of early…

Childhood IQ and Wealth: Uncovering Diverse Financial Paths in Adulthood

Summary: Cognitive ability in childhood correlates differently with various aspects of financial wellbeing in adulthood. Researchers analyzed data from 5,858 individuals, considering their cognitive skills at age 10 and their…

Youth Alcohol Dependency Could Signal Future Depression Risk

Summary: Adolescents with signs of alcohol dependency are more likely to suffer from depression in their mid-20s. The research, involving 3,902 participants from the ALSPAC study, examined the correlation between…

Child’s Play: Kids as Young as Six Consider Choices in Moral Judgments

Summary: Children as young as six factor in past choices when making moral judgments. Involving children aged four to nine, the study revealed that younger children’s judgments were mainly influenced…

Schizophrenia Risk Genes: Placenta’s Role May Outweigh Brain’s

Summary: In a paradigm shift, researchers found over 100 genes associated with schizophrenia risk operate primarily through their role in the placenta, rather than the developing brain. The research emphasizes…