Winds of change—the new tech steering commercial shipping towards a more sustainable future

The Pyxis Ocean made history in August 2023 when it set sail using the pioneering WindWings®, developed with the help of EU funding. Credit: © 2024 Cargill, Incorporated In August…

Researchers expose vulnerability of speech emotion recognition models to adversarial attacks

Brain Scans Improve Concussion Care by Predicting Lasting Symptoms

Summary: Advanced MRI scans, particularly diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), have shown promise in predicting which concussion patients are at risk for long-term symptoms. While standard CT scans often fail to…

Moral Values Shift with the Seasons

Summary: A study has found that people’s endorsement of moral values fluctuates seasonally, with group-focused values like loyalty, authority, and purity being more strongly supported in spring and fall. This…

Classical Music Synchronizes Brain Waves, Improving Depression

Summary: Western classical music can significantly affect brain activity, particularly in people with treatment-resistant depression. By measuring brainwaves and neural imaging, scientists discovered that music synchronizes neural oscillations between brain…

E-commerce tycoon Huang tops China’s rich list

Colin Huang has topped China’s rich list thanks to the huge success of the Temu and Pinduoduo retail apps. E-commerce tycoon Colin Huang has become China’s richest man, an index…

Lower Dementia Risk Than Previously Thought in Parkinson’s

Summary: A new study suggests that the risk of developing dementia in Parkinson’s disease patients may be lower or occur later than previously reported. Researchers analyzed data from two large…

Greater Knowledge May Harm Group Welfare

Summary: Increasing knowledge can lead to negative outcomes when individuals use it for self-interest rather than collective good. Researchers argue that enhanced knowledge can reduce cooperation among rational individuals, potentially…

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Stress Levels

Summary: Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel less stressed, according to new research. The findings suggest that people can lower their perception of…

Engineers conduct first in-orbit test of ‘swarm’ satellite autonomous navigation

Artist’s illustration of the swarm. Credit: NASA/Blue Canyon Technologies Someday, instead of large, expensive individual space satellites, teams of smaller satellites—known by scientists as a “swarm”—will work in collaboration, enabling…