Fear Distorts Reward Decisions Differently for Women and Men

Summary: Fear can significantly influence women’s preference for immediate financial rewards over larger, delayed ones, a decision-making bias known as “delay discounting,” while men’s choices remain unaffected by their emotional…

Social Isolation Linked to Accelerated Aging

Summary: Researchers have uncovered a significant correlation between social isolation and accelerated biological aging, indicating that individuals with limited social connections are at a higher risk of premature mortality. Utilizing…

AI Matches Humans in Vocal Emotion Detection

Summary: Machine learning (ML) models can accurately identify emotions from brief audio clips, achieving a level of accuracy comparable to humans. By analyzing nonsensical sentences to remove the influence of…

Unlocking Potential: A Short Course Boosts Grit and Self-Belief

Summary: A novel method offers a promising approach to enhancing grit and self-belief. Through a pilot study involving 38 Norwegian students, this method, encapsulated in a 35-40 minute online course…

Paws for Thought: Dog Interaction Boosts Brainwaves and Relaxation

Summary: A new study highlights the psychological and neurological benefits of interacting with dogs, revealing that activities such as playing and walking with dogs enhance brain wave strengths linked to…

Molecular Alterations in Brain Tissue Provide Clues to Suicidal Ideation

Summary: Researchers have identified molecular alterations in the blood and brain tissues of individuals who committed suicide, offering new insights into susceptibility factors and therapeutic targets. The study analyzed genetic,…

Unlocking Fear’s Roots in the Brain

Summary: Researchers provide new findings on how the brain’s response to stress can lead to generalized fear, a condition that can severely impact mental health and contribute to disorders like…

Touch and See: Unlocking Early Self-Recognition in Toddlers

Summary: A new study reveals the role of touch in early self-recognition among toddlers. By using vibrating discs to encourage babies to touch their faces, researchers found these children developed…

Dawn of Discontent: Unpacking Morning Mood Dips

Summary: Medical interns experience their lowest moods near 5 a.m., with an uplift by 5 p.m., based on the analysis of Fitbit data from over 2,500 participants. The research underscores…

Active Response Boosts Bias – Neuroscience News

Summary: Engaging in active responses, rather than mere observation, amplifies the influence of previous experiences on future estimations. Through experiments asking participants to estimate the number of dots on a…