Active Aging: Exercise and Social Life Shield Brain Health

Summary: Researchers uncovered the protective effects of physical and social activities on brain health in older adults. Analyzing data from a 12-year longitudinal study, researchers focused on the entorhinal cortex,…

Metabolic Markers of Depression Identified

Summary: Researchers revealed a crucial link between cellular metabolism and major depressive disorder, particularly in treatment-refractory cases and suicidal ideation. This research found specific blood metabolites that differ in people…

Leap of Faith: How Belief in God Spurs Risk-Taking

Summary: Religious beliefs influence risk-taking behaviors. Focusing on Christian Americans, the research found that those who view God as a protective figure are more confident in undertaking risks. The study,…

Beer Goggles Myth Busted: Alcohol Doesn’t Alter Attraction

Summary: Researchers have debunked the “beer goggles” myth, suggesting that alcohol doesn’t necessarily make people appear more attractive due to facial symmetry. In their study, participants, including intoxicated individuals, rated…

Gen Z’s Mind Maze: Navigating a World of Perceived Extremes

Summary: A new study delves into the mental health crisis among Gen Z. The study, based on 40 interviews, highlights key risk factors like mass shootings, social media, and climate…

Age Influences Women’s Ideal Partner Preferences

Summary: Researchers conducted a study involving over 20,000 women to understand how age affects preferences for a romantic partner. They found that while most preferences, such as kindness and supportiveness,…

Cat Ownership Linked to Increased Schizophrenia Risk

Summary: Researchers systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed research from 1980 to 2023 to investigate the relationship between cat ownership and schizophrenia-related disorders. Out of 1915 studies initially identified, 17 were included…

Maternal Inflammation Linked to Child Behavioral Dysregulation

Summary: Maternal inflammation risk factors may be associated with dysregulation in children, encompassing attention, anxiety, depression, and aggression. Researchers observed that children born to mothers with prenatal infections, or who…

Balancing Act: The Mixed Blessings of Solitude on Mental Health

Summary: A new study examines the nuanced impact of solitude on mental health among adults aged 35 and older in the UK and US. Tracking 178 participants over 21 days,…

Brain Stimulation Enhances Memory in Schizophrenia Patients

Summary: A new study suggests that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can improve aspects of prospective memory in individuals with schizophrenia. The trial compared 50 schizophrenia patients, split between active…