Summary: Sleep deprivation impairs brain regions responsible for suppressing unwanted thoughts, contributing to mental health challenges. Functional neuroimaging revealed reduced activation in the prefrontal cortex and increased hippocampal activity in…
Category: Life
Revolutionizing Brain Diagnostics with Light and AI
Summary: A new “molecular lantern” technique allows researchers to monitor molecular changes in the brain non-invasively using a thin light-emitting probe. This innovative tool utilizes Raman spectroscopy to detect chemical…
American burying beetles are making a comeback in Nebraska
One of the world’s best insect undertakers is making a comeback. Populations of the American burying beetle, North America’s largest carrion beetle, have been decimated due mainly to habitat loss…
The Personality Gap Between Singles and the Partnered
Summary: Lifelong singles score lower on life satisfaction and show distinct personality traits compared to those in long-term relationships. Using data from 77,000 Europeans aged 50+, researchers observed that lifelong…
Classical vs. Operant Conditioning: The Brain’s Memory Tug-of-War
Summary: Classical and operant conditioning compete in the brain, preventing simultaneous learning of conflicting actions. Using fruit flies, researchers demonstrated that attempting to teach both types of learning simultaneously results…
Mapping Brain-to-Spinal Cord Pathways for Motor Control
Summary: Researchers have created a 3D atlas mapping brain regions that connect to V1 spinal interneurons, which shape motor output. By using a genetically modified rabies virus, they pinpointed connections…
Dogs team up with AI to sniff out cancer
Meghan Rosen is a staff writer who reports on the life sciences for Science News. She earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology with an emphasis in biotechnology from…
Rare Brain Cells Offer Clues to Aging and Rejuvenation
Summary: A study reveals how brain cell interactions influence aging, showing that rare cell types either accelerate or slow brain aging. Neural stem cells provide a rejuvenating effect on neighboring…
Structural Sexism Tied to Faster Memory Decline in Older Women
Summary: Women born in states with higher structural sexism experience faster memory decline later in life, with effects equivalent to nine years of cognitive aging. Structural sexism encompasses societal inequities…