Americans tend to assume imaginary faces are male

There may be a reason we see a man, rather than a maiden, in the moon. When people spot facelike patterns in inanimate objects, those faces are more likely to…

A faulty immune response may be behind lingering brain trouble after COVID-19

A tussle with COVID-19 can leave people’s brains fuzzy. SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, doesn’t usually make it into the brain directly. But the immune system’s response to even mild…

50 years ago, scientists were on the trail of ‘memory molecules’

Learning and memory transfer: More experimental evidence — Science News, November 6, 1971 The first memory molecule has been isolated, characterized and synthesized … [from the brains of] rats that had been…

‘Feeling & Knowing’ explores the origin and evolution of consciousness

Feeling & KnowingAntonio DamasioPantheon, $26 Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio believes that the link between brain and body is the key to understanding consciousness. In his latest book, Feeling & Knowing: Making…

See stunning fossils of insects, fish and plants from an ancient Australian forest

A new trove of plant, insect, fish and other fossils offers an unprecedented snapshot of Australia’s wetter, forest-dominated past. McGraths Flat in New South Wales contains thousands of beautifully preserved…

This dinosaur had a weapon shaped like an Aztec war club on its tail

A newly discovered species of ankylosaur had a bizarre club on its tail unlike that of any known dinosaur. With its flat surface and sharp blades along the sides, this…

‘Penis worms’ may have been the original hermits

Hermit crabs have been taking shelter in abandoned shells for millions of years, but scientists now have evidence suggesting that the “hermit” lifestyle has existed far longer than that. Besides…

Giant ground sloths may have been meat-eating scavengers

Modern sloths may be dedicated vegetarians, but at least one of their massive Ice Age cousins chowed down on meat when it had the chance.  Darwin’s ground sloth — which…

Some dinosaurs may have lived in herds as early as 193 million years ago

A treasure trove of fossilized eggs, nests and skeletons represents the earliest evidence yet of dinosaurs traveling in herds, a study finds. The newly unearthed egg clutches were found alongside…

Cleared tropical forests can regain ground surprisingly fast

Tropical forests are disappearing at an alarming clip across the globe. As lush land is cleared for agriculture, climate-warming carbon gets released and biodiversity declines. But when farmland is left alone,…