Becoming a scientist wasn’t a mistake, just a happy little accident – Functional Ecologists

It’s been just over a month since the 12th International Conference on Mycorrhiza. In these blog posts, we hear from some of the winners of Functional Ecology’s poster and talk…

Can chatbots be tailored to fight back against conspiracy theories?

… Few interventions have been proven to change conspiracy theorists’ minds, says Thomas Costello, a research affiliate at MIT Sloan and the lead author of the study. Part of what…

New Brain Stimulation Target Could Treat PTSD

Summary: A new study suggests that neurostimulation targeting specific brain circuits may help treat PTSD in veterans. Researchers found that veterans with damage to brain areas connected to the amygdala,…

increasing competition with higher trait dissimilarity.   – Functional Ecologists

In our new post Emily Holden, PhD candidate at University of Alberta (Canada), presents her work ‘Plant trait dissimilarity increases competitive interactions among co-occurring plants’. She talks about confronting contrasting…

Melatonin Receptor is Key to REM Sleep and Memory

Summary: Scientists have identified the melatonin MT1 receptor as a key regulator of REM sleep, crucial for memory, dreaming, and emotional regulation. This discovery may pave the way for targeted…

“Sleeping on It” Helps With Rational Decision Making

Summary: A new study reveals that while snap judgments heavily influence decisions made immediately, “sleeping on it” helps people make more rational choices. Researchers found that participants who made instant…

100+ Genes Linked to Anxiety Disorders Identified

Summary: A large-scale genetic study involving over 1 million participants has uncovered more than 100 genes associated with anxiety. Researchers found that these genes contribute to the development of anxiety…

Serotonin Receptor Dampens Visual Input to Enhance Internal Processes

Summary: The 5-HT2A receptor in the brain reduces incoming visual information, allowing more space for internal thought processes. Researchers found that this receptor, when overactivated, suppresses sensory input, potentially explaining…

Scientists have just turned giant panda skin cells into stem cells

With roughly 2,000 giant pandas remaining in the wild, scientists have spent the last several decades looking for new ways to help the iconic black-and-white bears stave off extinction. And…

Organic or conventional farming? Which system better preserves our fragile insect population

Athree-year run of fragmentary Armageddon-like studies had primed the journalism pumps and settled the media framing about the future of the global insect population: modern agriculture was steering us toward…