Unlocking Flow: The Neuroscience of Creative Bliss

Summary: A new study involving Philadelphia-area jazz guitarists, has explored the brain processes that enable creative flow. The research reveals that achieving flow requires a solid foundation of expertise, after…

Predicting Psychosis Before Symptom Onset

Summary: Researchers developed a machine-learning tool that accurately identifies individuals at high risk of psychosis through MRI brain scans. This innovative approach, which achieved an 85% accuracy rate in training…

TMS Proves Long-Term Relief for Depression

Summary: A major clinical trial, BRIGhTMIND, reveals that MRI-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) significantly eases symptoms of severe depression for at least six months. The study, involving five centers across…

Predicting PTSD: Brain Scans Unravel Trauma’s Long-term Effects

Summary: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects 2% to 10% of trauma survivors, manifesting as intense anxiety from emotional disbalance. Researchers employed brain scans on 104 trauma survivors to determine which…