Women’s Tears Chemical Diminish Male Aggression

Summary: A new study reveals that women’s tears contain chemicals that significantly reduce aggression in men. The study, which builds on known effects in rodents, employed a two-person game designed…

Heartbeat’s Influence on Brain Activity

Summary: New research uncovered that the phases of a heartbeat significantly influence brain and motor system excitability. The study utilized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on 37 healthy volunteers to observe…

Machine Learning Deciphers News Language to Predict Country’s Peace Level

Summary: Researchers devised a machine learning model that gauges a country’s peace level by analyzing word frequency in its news media. By studying over 723,000 articles from 18 countries, the…

Childhood IQ and Wealth: Uncovering Diverse Financial Paths in Adulthood

Summary: Cognitive ability in childhood correlates differently with various aspects of financial wellbeing in adulthood. Researchers analyzed data from 5,858 individuals, considering their cognitive skills at age 10 and their…

Empathy Unleashed: AI’s Personal Disclosures Boost User Acceptance

Summary: When artificial intelligence (AI) agents disclose personal information, it can boost users’ empathy towards them, thus increasing acceptance of AI technologies. The study involved online experiments where participants engaged…