Brain’s Molecular Response to Psychological Loss

Summary: Psychological loss, be it from job loss or the death of a loved one, affects well-being immensely, yet its molecular mechanism in the brain remains enigmatic. Researchers utilized the…

Brain Region That Links Language to Social Cognition Identified

Summary: Researchers discovered that neural activity in the left ventral temporoparietal junction (vTPJ) and the lateral anterior temporal lobe (lATL) during sentence processing is tied to social-semantic working memory. Previously,…

Dad Time Boosts Kids’ School Success

Summary: A new study reveals that fathers engaging in interactive activities with their children, such as reading and playing, significantly improve their kids’ primary school performance. Analysis of the Millennium…

Is Suppressing Negative Thoughts A Path to Improved Mental Health?

Summary: A new study challenges the traditional belief surrounding the suppression of negative thoughts and mental well-being. Researchers trained participants to suppress fears and worries, observing that these thoughts became…

Pioneering Biomarker for Resistant Depression Unearthed

Summary: Scientists have identified a unique biomarker in the brain that indicates recovery from treatment-resistant depression during deep brain stimulation (DBS). This significant discovery provides insights into DBS’s effects on…

Mapping Psychosis Reveals The Brain’s Epicentre of Schizophrenia

Summary: Researchers charted the brain’s response to psychosis, specifically how it spreads, revealing potential therapeutic targets. Their study, which examined 534 individuals across various stages of psychosis, identified the hippocampus…

Is Early Convalescent Plasma Treatment A Barrier to Long COVID?

Summary: Researchers found that early treatment with plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients reduces the risk of developing post-COVID conditions or “long COVID.” The study revealed that patients who received the…

From Human Uniqueness to Mental Imagery: This Week’s Top 5 Neuroscience Insights, September 17, 2023

Summary: New research delves into the distinctive human trait of sequential memory, setting us apart from bonobos. A recent study has also highlighted the joy in chasing passions over accomplishments.…

Neighborhood Woes: How Living Conditions Impact Brain Structure and Diet

Summary: Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods not only influences food choices and weight gain but can also alter the brain’s microstructure. Researchers found that poor food quality, high-calorie intake, and inactive…

Detecting Depression: A 1-Minute EEG Test Reveals Mood Shifts

Summary: Depression, a challenging condition to diagnose early, may now be detected more promptly using a simple 1-minute Electroencephalogram (EEG) test at home. This study revealed a relationship between EEG…